Aviary and breeding cage

Birds need to live in a quality environment. Ducatillon has selected the best bird cages et aviaries that will best meet the needs of your bird.

Aviary and breeding cage

Birds need to live in a quality environment. Ducatillon has selected the best bird cages et aviaries that will best meet the needs of your bird.




€45.00 - €540.00

A suitable cage

Depending on the species of bird, the cage should be adapted to the size of the animal, but also to its need for space. Some species will require a horizontal or vertical cage. The cage must be chosen optimally so that the bird can thrive in it. It should be as close as possible to its natural environment, and thus be accessorised. First of all, when buying a cage, the size of the cage should be chosen according to the species and size of the bird. The animal must be able to move around as it wishes, but also take advantage of the space to fly if it so desires. This is essential and contributes to its good health. However, you should not choose a cage that is too large for a small bird, as it may become bored if it is kept alone.

For species of birds that fly a lot and travel long distances, it is worth going for long and wide cages.

The Catherine parakeet which does not fly much but prefers to climb does not require much space and so a vertical cage will suit it, just as it does for parrots.

Generally speaking, parakeets of South American origin require less space, as they walk and climb more than they fly.

For African and Australian origin budgies, they need more space as they move a lot and travel long distances.

Also, when choosing a cage, the spacing of the bars must be taken into account so that the animal inside does not escape or trap any part of its body in the cage.

For the breeding of canaries, it is important to take into account its vital need. Indeed, the canary is a species of bird that likes to live in a community. If you decide to adopt several canaries, the number of canaries should be taken into consideration when choosing the size of the cage. The cage should be large enough for them to move around, fly and thrive. If you want to adopt several canaries, it is better to buy an aviary. Finally, a cage should contain accessories such as several perches, a feeder and a watering hole.

Maintenance of the cage

Each cage or aviary Each cage or aviary has a tray in which a litter box is placed. This tray should be cleaned regularly to ensure that the animal is in a clean and healthy environment.

The location of the cage

It is important to choose a room that you will be in often so that the bird does not feel lonely and feels company. Birds are curious and like to observe. In addition, the cage should not be in direct sunlight or near a heat source. Finally, it is important to avoid draughts.